I've made this recipe for a dear friend's birthday party last year and it was a definitely a crowd pleaser! We served a few different BBQ pulled pork sandwiches with these homemade baked beans as a side and there were several of us who where happy to take home the leftovers :)I tried this recipe again the other day and instead of cooking it on the stove I cooked it in my slow cooker instead. Usually it takes most of the day to cook when you cook it on the stove, and you can't just leave it because it could burn, so you have to watch it carefully. Since I had to work in the morning I decided to adjust the recipe to crock-pot it so that it could cook on low all day. I served it with some BBQ chicken and a side salad and corn on the cob would have been icing on the cake.I only wish I had a photo to show you what they looked like, but never had a chance to get a photo before I froze them. We move up to our new place on Feb 1st, so I'll be taking the beans with me as a quick and easy side dish, since all our kitchen stuff will be in boxes.
Color photo found at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/46355638@N00/2142122437 I was working one wintry day over the holidays and in walks this girl who I recognized from the church in California... and she looked at me and immediately said upon recognizing me... "This may sound strange but are you from California?" And said "Yes" and she said, "Are you SPENCER'S wife?"... "Y-eeeesss?... It's Shannon right?....O'NEA-llL?" "Yes, and my husband is Sean! Do you live in Lincoln???" "Yes we just moved out in August." "Wow, we just moved out Last August!"...
So come to find out they actually live about 3 blocks from our house, so we exchanged info to get together for dinner after the holidays. It's crazy that while living in California, we hadn't actually gotten to know the O'Neals, even though we had the same circles of friends... so when we went over to their place for dinner it was strange to see pictures of people we knew from Grace hanging on their walls.
We have since gotten together again for crafting/sewing days, and it's really refreshing to have a friend and fellow believer close by again... something I really miss having at my fingertips, like I did while at Grace.It's so amazing how God puts together certain groups of people together when HE wants them to be put together... perfectly orchestrating everything in HIS good timing, so that we find new friendships when we least expect them, and need them most. PRAISE GOD!