Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Throwing a Lost Season 5 Party...

Next week my husband and I are throwing a Lost party for the season premiere of Lost Season 5 (one of our favorite shows).

This year I think we are going to do a themed cake, serve yummy snack foods, and of course have lots of foods and props with Dharma Initiative labels.

I am looking forward to planning it all out this week.

If you have any suggestions, they are welcomed and very much appreciated. Thanks! :)


Melissa said...

What is Dharma Innitiative? If it's something I should know, I blame it on being in Africa!

Pam said...

Hi there. Just happened upon your site because I was searching for some new ideas as well.

Last year, we did all the food labels thing. I also made a cake where I decorating a beach scene with sand (brown sugar), some palm trees and model airplane that looked like it crashed (got a craft store). I also printed of Oceanic luggage tags from some site and scattered luggage around my living room. Oh, we printed out different hatch symbols and taped them to various doors in the house.
I saw where someone make some fish shaped cookies for "fish biscuits". I also thought thos Goldfish crackers would work too.
I'm looking for new ideas too and would love to hear some of yours.
